Magnetic Therapy is the application of the magnetic fields of electromagnetic devices or permanent static magnets to the body for purported health benefits. It is a form of alternative non medical treatment. Magnetic Therapy can be used to help treat symptoms of an ailment. It is believed that by subjecting certain parts of the body to magnets static fields produced by permanent magnets, many health benefits can be experienced. It assists and improves the body’s natural healing system, stimulates blood vessels, promotes blood circulation and increases blood flow in the body, helps increase oxygen supply to organs and tissues. helps reduce inflammation and promotes restful sound sleep. A very useful magnetic ornament to maintain blood pressure. its an ideal Eid Ramadan Gift or for any occasion.
Golden Color Metal and Magnetic Bracelet with Many Health Benefits Eid Ramadan Gift – Blue Stone
Original price was: ₹699.00.₹359.00Current price is: ₹359.00.
Magnetic Therapy is the application of the magnetic fields of electromagnetic devices or permanent static magnets to the body for purported health benefits.
Free Size ,Available In Two Color Stone of Bracelets for Men And Women
Magnetic Therapy can be used to help treat symptoms of an ailment.
Stone color may vary as the product is manufactured in mixed colors
Product Dimensions: 3.8 Inch, Weight 35 Gr
20 in stock
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