Salatul Tasbeeh ki niyat

Introduction to Salatul Tasbeeh

Salatul Tasbeeh, a precious gem in the treasury of Islamic rituals, holds a unique position due to its distinct significance and extensive benefits.

Salatul Tasbeeh – A Vibrant Tapestry of Spirituality

  • Salatul Tasbeeh, often cherished as a highly rewarding and beneficial form of Salat (prayer), is loved and practiced by countless Muslims worldwide. It is a specific prayer that incorporates continual remembrance of Allah (Tasbeeh) in its unique format.
  • As part of the vibrant tapestry of the Islamic faith, its importance cannot be overstated, making importance of Salatul Tasbeeh a crucial aspect of the spiritual journey of every Muslim.

Significance and Benefits of Performing Salatul Tasbeeh

Muslims believe that this auspicious prayer is a unique means of seeking Allah’s divine grace, mercy, and forgiveness.

  • It is said that the benefits of Salatul Tasbeeh are immense, covering this life and the hereafter. It offers a path towards the purification of the soul by unifying it with the grandeur of Allah’s divine remembrance.
  • Reciting it is a great virtue and brings abundant rewards, gracing the life of the believer with divine blessings and spiritual growth.

The Traditions and Authenticity of Salatul Tasbeeh

The traditions of Salatul Tasbeeh, deeply rooted in Islamic teachings, lend a profound authenticity to this prayer.

  • These traditions are derived from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who recommended this prayer to his uncle Abbas and stated its various rewards.
  • The authenticity of Salatul Tasbeeh is a critical aspect, as it reinforces the faith of the believers, assuring them about the originality and the divine benefits linked with this beautiful act of worship.

In essence, understanding Salatul Tasbeeh is like discovering a spiritual treasure designed to help every devoted Muslim in their quest for eternal peace and divine proximity. This prayer is an emblem of the individual’s remembrance of the Almighty Allah, and its rewards are unfolded in layers of spiritual bliss and tranquility.# Understanding Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat

Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat is an essential component of the whole Salatul Tasbeeh process. This section will delve into what it is, its importance, and the step-by-step guide to making this niyat.

What is Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat?

To commence any act of worship in Islam, making a niyat (intention) is considered pivotal, and this applies to Salatul Tasbeeh as well.

The Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat is essentially a conscious intention to perform the Salatul Tasbeeh prayer. This niyat is not a verbal declaration but rather an internal pledge made by the heart.

Significance of Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat

Why is the Salat Tasbeeh Ki Niyat so critical?

  • It signifies the acknowledgment of Salatul Tasbeeh as a special prayer different from the obligatory prayers (Salat).
  • Making Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat intensifies focus and dedication during prayer.
  • The importance of Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat lies in preparing the heart and mind for this special act of worship, making it distinctive from other activities.

Making Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat – A Step by Step Guide

Following is a simple procedure for making the Niyat:

  1. Intention: As the first step, clear your heart and mind from all distractions. Focus on the act of worship you’re about to perform, i.e., the Salatul Tasbeeh.
  2. Pledge: Make an internal pledge or intention by affirming “I intend to perform the Salatul Tasbeeh“. This affirmation isn’t pronounced out loud, it’s a silent pledge made by the heart.
  3. Acknowledge The Sacredness: Acknowledge that you’re about to perform an act of worship for the sake of Allah’s love and closeness.
  4. Dedication: Dedicate yourself in throwing away worldly distractions during your Salatul Tasbeeh prayer.

Keep in mind, Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat is not just a ritualistic declaration before prayer, but a deep commitment and focus on the act of worship you are about to perform. The niyat should be an affirmation of your heart, adding great spiritual value to this form of prayer.

Remember, the ultimate purpose is to seek Allah’s pleasure and closeness while performing Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat.


  1. What is Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat? Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat is the intention or resolve made by Muslims before performing the Salatul Tasbeeh prayer. It is a critical expression of the devotee’s sincerity and resolve to perform the prayer.
  2. Why is Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat important? Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat is essential as it sets the devotion and intention of offering the prayer. It marks the commencement of the prayer and prepares the devotee mentally and spiritually to connect with Allah.
  3. How to make Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat? Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat is made by declaring your intention to perform Salatul Tasbeeh prayer. The person should say, “I intend to perform four rakah Salatul Tasbeeh Fard for the sake of Allah and face towards Qiblah.”
  4. What are the steps for performing Salatul Tasbeeh? Performing Salatul Tasbeeh involves four Rakats, each containing specific recitations and Tasbeeh. The prayer begins with Takbir, followed by Surah Al-Fatiha and another Surah, then the specific Tasbeeh is recited before and after Ruku and each two Sujood.
  5. Are there any common misconceptions about Salatul Tasbeeh? Yes, some common misconceptions surround Salatul Tasbeeh. Some people believe it to be a mandatory prayer, even though it’s a voluntary prayer holding high significance. Similarly, others erroneously believe that it can only be performed during the night or within specific times.


Understanding and performing the Salatul Tasbeeh work as a pathway to attain spiritual closeness with Allah. Making the Niyat is a deed of great virtue that earns countless blessings. From understanding the concept of Salatul Tasbeeh Ki Niyat to knowing the proper steps of prayer, every bit adds to your spiritual growth and proximity to Allah. To perform Salatul Tasbeeh accurately and sincerely, dispelling misconceptions is equally important. May this article serve as a helpful guide in achieving a better understanding of the Salatul Tasbeeh and may we imbibe it in our lives to attain the favour of Allah.

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